Our Schools

Ascension Catholic School
1726 Dupont Ave. N. Minneapolis, MN 55411 612.521.3609
Ascension School Website
St. John Paul II Catholic School
1630 4th St. NE. Minneapolis, MN 55413 612.789.8851
St. John Paul II Website
St. Peter Claver Catholic School
1060 W. Central Ave. St. Paul, MN 55104 651.621.2273
St. Peter Claver Website
St. Pascal Regional Catholic School
1757 Conway Street St. Paul, MN 55106 651.776.0092
St. Pascal Regional Website

Come Witness Our Hope and Progress
Hope & Progress events are held in fall and spring and each of our schools. This event is aimed at those who are thinking of making a gift or volunteering at an Ascension Catholic Academy school. Supporters of our schools are encouraged to bring friends and acquaintances to one of our schools and to encourage them to join in supporting our scholars. The events, held at either breakfast or lunch time, begin with a short performance by the school choir and an interview with a scholar about their experience here. Academy staff members do a short presentation about the school, and there is plenty of time for questions.
An optional school tour wraps up the event.
Learn more about Hope & Progress events by filling out our contact form.
Tour a School
Donors and other guests are always welcome to tour our schools. Tours are lead by the school principal and accompanied by a development staff member and ACA President Patty Stromen (when available). Tours last 60-90 minutes, and guests see our buildings, meet staff members and visit with our hard-working scholars. A tour is usually followed by coffee/light refreshments.
This is a perfect way for someone unfamiliar with Ascension Catholic Academy to learn about our schools.
Tours of our Summer Language and Math (SLAM) program are available during the summer. Scholars from all three schools attend SLAM on the campus of Ascension Catholic School for six weeks.
Request a tour today by filling out our contact form.